Ansible Tower Self-Support - Abonnemangslicens (3 år) - upp till 100 noder - Linux

Ansible Tower Self-Support - Abonnemangslicens (3 år) - upp till 100 noder - Linux MCT3296F3
Dolt pris
Red HatTillverkareRed HatArtnr
  • See a summary view of your entire Ansible environment at any time
  • Watch the results and output of your Ansible playbook jobs update in real-time
  • Execute simple Ansible tasks on your inventory on an as-needed basis
  • Schedule playbooks to run at a specific time or to repeat
  • Pull and sync your Ansible Playbooks from Git, SVN, Mercurial and more
  • View your host inventory and sync with Amazon, GCE, Rackspace, Azure, VMware, and OpenStack, or your own custom source
Centralisera och kontrollera din Ansible-infrastruktur med en visuell instrumentpanel, rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll, jobbschemaläggning och grafisk lagerhantering. Tower har REST API och CLI som gör det enkelt att integrera Tower i befintliga verktyg och processer.


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